Genetically Engineered Crops Have Led to Massive Increases in Pesticide Use

  • Departments and centers like Center fr Food Safety released a report about the environmental hazards of farming with GMO crops.
  • herbicide tolerant GMOs also brought HT weeds that farmers counter with strong pesticides and super weeds form as they adapt and evolve.
  • GMO seeds are far more expensive than regular seeds and companies stand by it saying that farmers will require less pesticide usage. Ironically, the use of GMO seeds requires even stronger pesticides to kill the super weeds amongst the crops.
  • Industries responsible for the creation of GMO seeds have had their assertions proven fale by many scientific reports.
  • Saftey of GMOs are in question and one issue is pesticide residue in GMOs. These residues can lead to digestive problems, birth defects, and other side effects when digesting GMOs.
  • This particular department says that Americans should demand labeling for any GMO product.
  • This relates to curriculum because we saw a video about GMOs and a company called Mon Santo. This company has created GMOs and are selling it across the world. The creation of GMOs are by modifying the crop with chemicals and altering the genetics and cells of a certain crop.
I agree with this article because we have discussed and seen what GMOs can bring to the table. We see that there is significant benefits of GMOs but we may not be as aware of the consequences. Sure we can have a large tomoato or potato or what have you, but at what cost? The super weeds in this article caught my attention and I was very surprised that weeds can take in GMO ingredients. I have been informed that the amount of pesticide use is far more dangerous than what the benefits are. Birth defects, digestion problem, and other side effects from GMO residue does not make a healthy appetite to me and I feel that the entire population in America are buying tricked into thinking GMOs are natural. A label can go a long way and many Americans believe what they are seeing. I say that there should be a label telling people what GMO ingredients there are within a product

"Genetically Engineered Crops Have Led to Massive Increases in Pesticide Use." Independent News on Natural Health, Nutrition and More. 3 Dec. 2009. Web. 20 May 2010. .


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