- Obama overturned former Pres. Bush's policy he signed in 2001 restricting stem cell research.
- Obama agrees with stem cell research for easing human suffering but has strict guidelines to insure that no cloning can be made possible.
- He hopes that stem cell research can cure Parkinson's, cancer and spinal cord injuries.
- Embryonic stem cells are highly valuable based on their ability to be transformed into any cell the body is in need of.
- An embryo of 4-5 says of age is extracted from its stem cell, which can go up to 30. Then the embryo is destroyed, Bush's former policy limited funding and did not allow the destruction of human embryos.
- Latest issue is the whether lift the ban on funding stem cell research.
- This is in correspondence with our Cell unit because of the controversy over stem cell research. We know that stem cells can be used for anything needed in the body and is very valuable. Cancer cells can be treated if stem cells are implemented.
"Obama Overturns Bush Policy on Stem Cells - CNN.com." CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 9 Mar. 2009. Web. 20 May 2010. .
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